
Why invest in Raleigh-Durham?

North Carolina is a fantastic choice for commercial real estate investors. Cities like Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, better known as the Research Triangle, have gained iconic status globally for its perpetual factory of research and innovations, coming out of its universities and local tech titans. The state’s economy is extremely diverse and nimble, supporting a variety of industries, such as biotechnology, energy, information technology, and finance. Additionally, it attracts a plethora of new tech startups. Its fast-growing economy and diversified industrial base have become key selling points for business owners and investors alike, looking to establish a presence here in North Carolina. The State possesses many favorable conditions for investors and economic opportunists looking to capitalize in the region, particularly in the Research Triangle area.


Durham & Chapel Hill

Durham has successfully transformed its economic landscape from one based upon tobacco and textile products into a modern, cutting-edge economy. Fidelity Investments, Cisco, RTI, GlaxoSmithKline, SAS Institute, IBM, and Cree are just some of the forward-thinking companies headquartered in Durham.

DURHAM market reportS:



Raleigh boasts a low cost of living and a well-educated population. High-paying pharmaceutical and tech jobs are abundant in the metro. Raleigh’s population and job growth has consistently outperformed the national average, and growth is expected to continue in the immediate term.